

2024 NELSTS Follow Up, News, Updates & More! “Large Scale Live”

Hopefully everyone is ready for another all new Large Scale Live stream because we definitely are! On this stream we’ll be giving our feedback on the 2024 Northeast Large Scale Train Show. How it improved from last year, What the attendance was like and most importantly what the selection of G scale was like. During the NELSTS we will also be looking for a few people that would like to be guests on the show to share their experience as well!

Upcoming 2024 ECLSTS w/ Don & Sarah Hale of Star Hobby, LED Wiring Basics & More! “Large Scale Live”

Welcome back everyone, we hope you’re ready for another new Large Scale Live stream! Our guests on this stream should be known to many of you. Don and Sarah Hale from Star Hobby are once again our guests! They will be telling us about the upcoming 2024 East Coast Large Scale Train Show, what we can expect when attending this year’s show and taking a look back at some of the highlights from past East Coast Large Scale Train Shows. Also on this show we’ll also be talking about LEDs, sort of a “LED 101” on getting started with LEDs and how to wire them.

We will of course have info on upcoming g scale events, product announcements/updates and other general G scale related news! We’ll also be doing another giveaway to give back to our fans but you’ll need to tune in to find out what it is though. As always we look forward to interacting with everyone during the live stream in the chat and we know you’ll enjoy the show!

Upcoming Northeast Large Scale Train Show & Remote Control Systems of New England “Large Scale Live”

We have yet again another amazing Large Scale Live for everyone! We have several guests on this live stream, one you’ve seen on the show before and one that is making a first time appearance! John Sacerdote, president of the Amherst Railway Society has been our guest before and we’re super excited to have him back with us! Our new first time guest many may know as the one and only Don Sweet of Remote Control Systems of New England!
You’re probably wondering what we’re going to cover on this live stream? Well the appearance of John Sacerdote (Much like seeing Santa ahead of Christmas day) means the Northeast Large Scale Train Show is just around the corner! We’ll get to catch up with John (trust us, he’s a hard guy to keep up with because he never stops going! LOL) and hear all about what we can expect when attending this year’s Northeast Large Scale Train Show (taking place April 27 and 28). Don Sweet will of course be giving us the standard Large Scale Live background introduction for people that don’t know him (For those that do, don’t worry, he’s telling the condensed version LOL), some of the products/services he offers at Remote Control Systems of New England and will be taking a deeper dive into radio control options than we did a few months back including answering viewers questions on the various systems.
We will of course have info on upcoming g scale events, product announcements/updates and other general G scale related news! We’ll also be doing another giveaway to give back to our fans but you’ll need to tune in to find out what it is though. As always we look forward to interacting with everyone during the live stream in the chat and we know you’ll enjoy the show!

Susquehanna Valley Garden Railway Society Displays, Tips/Tricks & SO MUCH MORE! “Large Scale Live”

We hope everyone is ready for another amazing Large Scale Live! Our guests on this live stream are no strangers to large scale as both have been members of the Susquehanna Valley Garden Railway Society since the mid 90s. Turk Russell (Club President) and Rob Segessenman (Club Secretary) have a wealth of knowledge they are eager to share with everyone.
So, what might we be covering on this live stream you ask? We’ll of course get to hear some of the history behind Turk and Rob. The various displays they’ve built over the years, important tips/tricks they’ve found, manufacturing issues to watch out for and so much, much, much, more! I mean really, I can’t list all the stuff they want to talk about but let me tell you, it’s all stuff you’re going to find very useful/helpful in your large-scale endeavors!
We will of course have info on upcoming g scale events, product announcements/updates and other general G scale related news! We’ll also be doing another giveaway to give back to our fans but you’ll need to tune in to find out what it is though. As always we look forward to interacting with everyone during the live stream in the chat and we know you’ll enjoy the show!