
Split Jaw Stainless Steel Track Line

Split Jaw Products is now offering stainless steel track in G Scale (45mm). This is the old HR Trains line of stainless steel code 332 track. Currently the track is offered in 5′ lengths with two options.


Rail only with two 5′ rails


Flex track kit with two 5′ rails, Piko UV-resistant track ties and two Split Jaw SS 332-SJRC stainless steel rail clamps.


Per the Split Jaw Products website:


“G Stainless Proven product line since 1992 – never clean your track again! This premium track will withstand outdoors like no other product. Proven 30-year track record in private and commercial installation with no cleaning needed – just run your trains and enjoy!”


Check out Split Jaw Products main site to find all the quality products they make HERE.

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